Holistic Development in Early Childhood

Holistic Development of Children

This workshop will help to explore holistic development and key milestones for babies and children from birth to seven years old including the significance of experience and personal circumstance. 

"Wholeness" is the secret to comprehending child development.  Holistic development focuses on nurturing a child’s social, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing through creating a comfortable and safe environment that allows a child to learn and grow in early childhood. This refers to the child's overall growth or the whole process of development.

Children's development and learning are complex, which is why we take a holistic view and highlight the importance of their physical, emotional, social, language, and cognitive development, and how these complement and interact with one another. Let's watch the video to understand more in detail what holistic development is and the importance of holistic development in early childhood.

"Child development does not mean developing your child into the person you think they should be, but helping them develop into the best person they are meant to be." - Tony Sorenson

Holistic development is an approach to learning that emphasizes the importance of the physical, cognitive, language, and social-emotional well-being of children, particularly in early childhood. This refers to the child's overall growth or the whole process of development. Young children are quickly influenced by a variety of environmental influences, which has an impact on their learning and behavior. Numerous social, environmental, economic, and biological factors might have an impact on them. Click the following link for how all areas of development of the young child are interconnected or interlinked and why young children’s development may occur in different sequences and at different rates.

Think of it like a puzzle, where each piece represents a different aspect of a child’s life. To complete the puzzle and achieve holistic development, all of these pieces need to be properly aligned and cared for. It’s about finding balance and harmony in all areas of life, and recognizing that they are all interconnected.

Child development from Birth to 5 years

Child development can be defined as "a progression by which a child changes from birth to the beginning of adulthood by acquiring and refining knowledge, behaviors, and skills. It's a journey from total dependence to full independence."

Children’s experiences in their first five years have been shown to have a significant impact on their developmental outcomes later on. As a result, it is important for parents and those who work with children to understand exactly what happens during these early stages of development. This allows them to meet a child’s needs effectively and ensure that they have the best start in life.

However, research has shown that only 25% of parents recognise the importance of the first five years; additionally, teacher training does not adequately cover the early years, despite the fact that children are still within this period when they begin school. This lack of awareness on both parts could cause failures to provide the best environments for children, and their progress could be limited. Click the following link to understand the importance of child development and key milestones for holistic development from birth to 5 years. 

The first five years of a child’s life are critical for their futures. It is important to ensure that you understand and pro-actively encourage their development during this time in order to meet their needs. You can use the child development checklist and the tips for supporting development to help you to do this, as well as adding to them with your own ideas.

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